Bring True Performance to Life with 4D Scanning
4D scanning is 3D scanning over time, where each frame consists of an OBJ model with textures. We typically scan at 60fps, which means that a single second of capture produces 60 individual OBJ models with textures!
Some typical applications of 4D scanning include:
- FACS scanning – capture all the in-betweens
- Performance capture – replicate the animation in 3D
- Machine learning rig training data
- Audio-driven animation machine learning data
PLE’s 4D scanning system (LD01) is equipped with 32 high speed machine vision cameras capable of capturing up to 120fps.
One of the main differences between our 4D capture system and others is that our LEDs are frame-accurately synchronized with the high-speed camera shutter. This means they are not nearly as bright to the performers as other systems with continuous lighting and still produce better image quality.
In 2021, we upgraded our 4D capture system one step further by integrating it into a soundproof recording environment. With this new setup, we can now synchronize recorded audio with 4D footage with gen-lock timecode generators.
There are endless possibilities with this setup so please stay tuned for more exciting features coming out in 2022. For more information on our 4D scanning services, please contact